Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Basement Alchemy and Home made Dragons

So there's a fresh pile of stock coming in soon including a few new sidelines that will definitely be featured on this blog.

For now that let's have a look at an exciting little work, 'The Mysteries of Nature and Art' by John Bate written in 1634. This work is attributed with being one of the inspirations for a young Isaac Newton, a man who on multiple occasions ended up walking home having abandoned the family horse in town due to being too stuck in a book.

'The Mysteries' is a collection of experiments and realisations about physics and chemistry, but what its focused on is telling you how to make a variety of fireworks, water wheels and other exercises for the mind.

This is actually a collection of smaller books, each dedicated to an area of experimentation including natural science, fireworks and creating pigments.

Monday, 3 February 2014

An old Journey to a New world

Here's a classic and no mistake, Arthur Conan Doyles 'The Lost World'. The founding piece for an entire genre of long lost Dinosaurs and secret worlds.

This classic piece of pulp is not only worth a read but worth a good look as it is filled with illustrations or 'photographs' from the fateful expedition.

This is more of our recent expansion out into Science fiction and pulpy classics. Check us out on Biblio for this and other fantastic books
Magnificent facial hair
Illustrated throughout